Correct rest

Rules of a choice of qualitative rest abroad

 Want to have a rest abroad, it is inexpensive and with full comfort?

Those who has answered "Yes" are people who the first time have reflected on similar rest. After all to combine all these qualities very difficult. Before to arrange to itself such rest, you should play with all gravity in bookkeepers, economists and even heads of a planning section.

And jokes here absolutely to what. The matter is that the person brings in concept of "good rest" three basic components: comfortably, safely, cheaply. But so doesn't happen a priori! As, if it is inexpensive, the concept "comfort" becomes тносительным. And if it is comfortable and safe - that about cheapness and speech can't be. It also is that stumbling-block in relations of clients with tour operators. After all Ukrainians want to live "for free" in 5-stars hotel abroad and to have a rest under the program "all inclusive".

 «If at the client the limited budget to pick up to it hotel corresponding to its requirements in Turkey or in Egypt – it is very heavy, - the director of travel agency“ Happy vacations ”Irina Silchenko speaks. – Besides, clients don't consider, to be exact don't know all features of the countries to which they want to go. For example in the same Montenegro there is no such program of tourist rest, as« all inclusive ». To you give flight and residing with the minimum food. All the rest – at own expense».

 But it not the only thing that it is necessary to know to the beginning tourist. We will try to understand that is necessary, that to myself not to spoil rest abroad.


Gathering for a foreign resort, first of all, place priorities how and in what conditions you want to have a rest and for what the blood agree to pay.

Differently, the tourist should be defined that to it it is more important: the quiet semisleepiness on a beach in an environment of the same lazy citizens or noisy «пионерлагерь» on seacoast where to sleep don't lie down at all, and having a rest round the clock stay in the center of a power typhoon of fun among eccentrical youth.

Such facts as comfort level in hotel, the kitchen and the purpose of your rest is a honeymoon trip or rest with children and so on are important also.

 If you have got used to Spartan conditions of residing, are ready to stamp on foot on a beach of one and a half kilometer, your stomach digests even nails, to you to spit that under windows of your hotel since the morning dealers shout, and you have decided to "come off" simply abroad – that can quite count on the inexpensive permit.

«All these questions, concerning conditions, the manager to the person sets, which has come for the first time to agency to order a tour. The more questions it will be coordinated, the more person will find out for itself, he wants"to receive"what rest and the more probability that it will spend it how has planned, - Irina Silchenko speaks. – After all it is possible to order the super-permit on дорогущей to the price, but to get on a resort where elderly millionaires have a rest, and to be bored to death. The manager should thoroughly,« with predilection to "spend" interrogation »the client that then the client didn't complain that« it not that he wanted»

 The insurance

Each travel agency "automatically" gives out the insurance for so-called "package" rounds.

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the insurance isn't so obligatory also tour operator has no right to impose to you the insurance company from which works.

You can be insured or ask to insure the manager of tour operator you in any concrete company. But! If the insurance isn't obligatory, it doesn't mean that it isn't necessary. After all God forbid abroad you will be ill or are injured! It is treated «behind a hillock» for the money – o-o-o-o-chen expensively. And the insurance which costs to 100 grivnas, covers, in case of need rendering of medical aid, service in cost about 30 thousand euro.

«One of the pivotal problems of the manager of tourist agency is insistently to convince the tourist that the insurance is necessary for it, - the head of tour agency“ Happy vacations ”speaks. – Anyway, as they say, to sleep easily and to worry that in case of state of emergency on a foreign resort you should give to doctors all money which has been laid up for rest».

 Let's notice that the insurance from round cancellation »was separate point earlier«. That is if the client has suddenly changed the mind and will want to return the money. Today such insurance isn't present.

«Tourist agencies have refused such insurance as rounds are redeemed by agencies beforehand, and it is the whole chain of responsibility. At the Ukrainian tour operators before monopolists of tourist industry at whom rounds, before the assisting companies which guarantee medical insurance and so on, - Irina Silchenko speaks are redeemed. – Therefore we are compelled to register in contracts that all rounds« irrevocable ». Otherwise simply there was a chaos. Is, truth, individual rounds, in contracts on which is underlined that in default the client can receive from travel agency no more than 10 % of cost of the permit. But they are very rare».


Behind this word terrible truth about «кидалах» in sphere of tourist business and poor-quality service is covered.

"From" nobody threw »is insured. If the large tour operator which owns hotels, charters, resorts and sells rounds to different tour operators, suddenly will decide« to go bankrupt », having taken with itself millions the dollars paid beforehand by clients to return this money is unreal. Unfortunately, it is the fact. However, such cases during the last years there were units. Much more important to the client to study the initial data of tour operator, - Irina speaks. – to begin with, having come to tourist agency office, pay attention to« a corner of the buyer », - the stand on a wall on which should be hung out the certificate on registration with instructions of date of registration. This information will help the client to understand, how long the agency works in the given sphere. Besides – a copy of the license for the right to be engaged in such kind of activity. The most important thing in this license is an actual address of agency in which you have addressed. If the address on the license and office don't coincide – means, business isn't pure».

  At last it would be desirable to tell what distinguish good tour operator from doubtful you can by one simple principle: if the manager to whom you have addressed, easy listens to you, tries to help to choose correctly to you a package, round, the country, according to your desires and preferences – means you have come to the correct address.

And if to you try to hammer in brains tourist agency achievements, to praise hotels, rounds, the countries and to amuse stories about positive responses of their clients instead of helping to understand with the preferences – reflect, whether thereyou have come?

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